Friday 28 February 2014

Police Raid

Police Raid Outfits
  • For one of our scenes we have a police raid on Martlet Lodge where around 5 policemen/woman barge into the house, finding Graham Harvey in the mental asylum and taking him out.
As we don't have actual police costumes we need to create costumes that are as authentic as possible so the scene seems more realistic.

In this picture it shows a police raid where the police are wearing all black. We won't be using riot shields or helmets as props as we aren't trying to create a violent police raid as Mr Harvey won't have any weapons on him in Martlet Lodge.

We will need to have our characters wearing dark black clothing and big black boots if possible,  however we can't expect all our actors to own this type of clothing so we are going to have to get the costumes as close as we can in this short period of time we have for them to be filmed.

Here in a video of an actual police raid. We won't be able to use items to break through windows in our location as it isn't owned by us so we will need to have the shot of the scene showing medium close up's from behind the police officers so we can't see any damage being caused to the building however the audience will get the feeling that this is what is actually happening.

The scene of the police raid won't be very long, they'll be walking in to find Graham sitting on his old patient bed smiling to himself. In this scene we will be using tracking shots to follow the 'police' through the building and up the stairs until they find Graham without showing shots of their faces.



  1. This sounds very ambitious! I'm impressed by the ideas, but slightly concerned that you may not be able to pull this off - particularly in relation to the number of actors you'll need. Who will you get to act? Can they all be available at the same time? Most importantly, would the Martlets agree? Have you got permission to film here, and if so, are they aware of exactly what you would be filming? This is essential, because of the nature of this place. Can you contact us asap about this?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Andrew's just received confirmation that you can film at the police station! That might make up for some of the disappointment about Martlets!
    Here's the reply, but I'm emailing it to you all too:


    Thankyou for your letter dated 27th February regarding students participating in a Media Studies assignment.

    Im please to say we can assist with the photos. When were the students available to come to the Police Station?

    Can you reply to Andrew or directly to the named person in the email?
