Tuesday 4 March 2014

Location problems

We are having problems in sorting out a suitable location at the moment for our thriller opening. We ruled Martlet Lodge out as a location as it has too many risks and if anything happened to us it would come under the colleges fault. It is also risky bringing all our actors in there and defiantly an 11 year old.

However, we have a possible new location on Church Lane in Horley where there is a abandoned house that has easy access for us and is safe.

Because of having no exact location yet we haven't been able to complete our anamatics however due to it not being our fault about the locations we have a week extension for filming to make the thriller opening as best as we can.

Beth and Becky are going to check out the location today to see if it is what we are looking for as a location that will be the best setting for our film.


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