Thursday 6 March 2014

List of roles

Graham Harvey- Played by George
Graham Harvey is in his mid thirties who will be played by our actor George. Graham is being interviewed for the murder of his daughter, Iona. He is the antagonist of our movie, also referred to as the villain. This doesn't mean he is labelled as a 'bad person' as it's his mental disorder and not taking his medication that leads to this however he is the one causing the problems for the protagonist (Iona.) Graham is the character who drives the narrative forward through the choices he makes and the actions he takes.

Mr Robinson- Played by James
Mr Robinson is in his mid to late twenties played by our actor James. Mr Robinson is the interrogator in the interview room trying to get the information our of Graham Harvey. His and Grahams conversation in the interview room is what brings the narrative together and links the flashbacks into the 2 minute opening. Without Mr Robinson the shoots wouldn't come together as smoothly therefore Mr Robinson is a vital character in our plot.

Iona- Played by Iona
Iona is an 11 year old girl played by Iona. (The character is also her real name, as well as the film being named after her as she is the main character) Iona is Graham Harvey's daughter but is kidnapped by her and killed which is what the plot is all based around. We used Iona to play an 11 year old (which is her age) to create realism to the audience so they can sympathise with her and what she is going through. The way Iona will be portrayed will connote her as innocent through her actions and what she is wearing (school clothes) when being dragged through the woods to make her seem younger and much more fragile in this situation.


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