Thursday 6 March 2014

Location Problem extension

After having no luck with filming at Linden House or Marlet Lodge, Becky and I were able to find another location that we hoped would fit our thriller opening and also not be as dangerous to film in.

The location was extremely difficult to locate, and with confusing directions given to us from a friend took us well over an hour when it should have only taken around twenty minutes. We did eventually locate the premises, although it wasn't exactly what we were expecting.

The premises was a mushroom factory no longer in use, and with many empty rooms inside then would have made a really good location for the scenes involving Mr Harvey and the police raid. We were aware that a fence would have to be climbed in order to gain entry to the factory, but when we actually saw it we realised that although it would be easy enough for us and our actors to climb during the day, the shots we needed would need to be filmed at dusk and so the jump down the other side of the fence would have been extremely dangerous if we couldn't see all the way down.

After having no luck at the now three locations we were hoping to use, Becky, Megan and I may have to rethink certain aspects of our story. We had originally planned to be quite ambitious and chose quite a complex story line, but with the deadline quickly approaching we might have to change our idea completely.

We were however. given permission by Haywards Heath Police Station to borrow some of their posters in order to make our interrogation scene of Mr Harvey more authentic, meaning that we can keep some aspects of our story line the same.


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