Tuesday 11 February 2014

Thriller Opening Location Idea

We have decided to base out thriller opening in an abandoned mental ward outside Megan's house.

I tried ringing Affinity Sutton about the use of the abandoned building but they told me they gave the building over to the council a couple of months ago. I did try phoning the mid Sussex council however they were closed and I will try again tomorrow morning. 
The travel time by car from the College to our location

Horror Stories of Linden House - If you click on this link it leads you to a website with horror stories and the first two are about Linden House in Southdowns Park. 

These are photos I've taken myself of Linden House showing it as a Thriller Location possibility because it has a thriller theme to it due to being abandoned as well as it is an easy spot for us to travel to and from. Linden House also fits in to our plot line as a good place for a kidnapping and hiding of a persons body to be.


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