Friday 7 February 2014

The girl with the dragon tattoo

Megan's analysis:

The establishing shot isn't in focus and it tracks upwards from a low angle shot to show a close up of fingers unwrapping a parcel.
  • Desaturated lighting is used in this scene, as the room is pitch black lighting is used from the side to shine on the mans face to make it clearer to us to see what he looks like and his facial expressions while opening the package.
  • The plant in the picture frame is used as enigma to keep the audience guessing about what it symbolizes and its relevance to the story line.

  • As the camera zooms up on the plant the non-diegetic music in the background becomes a lower pitch and crackly to create suspension in the audience towards its meaning.
  • The music carries on as the camera starts at a long shot and slowly tracks away from the man sitting at the desk, staring at the plant in confusion before the man starts crying which we can tell from the sound rather than being able to see his facial expression. This makes the audience feel that the plant must symbolize something bad in that mans life or has relevance in some way but we don't know what yet which keeps us intrigued to find out.

We are cut to a close up of a woman's face which seems to be an old picture as it is taken in black and white. This makes us wonder who the woman is. The title 'The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo' comes onto the screen as the camera tracks into her face even more as if we are staring straight into her eyes.

  • A cut is then used to show someone walking through an underground but as their clothing is dark with their hood up, we can't tell if this is a man or a woman walking.

An ellipsis is used from when the person is walking through this tunnel and is then cut to them walking in another section of the tunnel to cut out some of the walking. We can tell time has jumped forward by about a minute because the lighting changes but the way they are walking is exactly the same.

A side view is shown for a second to show it is a woman walking before the camera stops moving to show the woman walking away from the camera down the stairs and disappears creating mystery around this character.

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