Thursday 13 February 2014

Target Audience - Pearl and Dean

The film 'Transcendence' is due for release in April 2014. As you can see by their predicted audience rating, males in class C1 aged 15-34 are most likely to watch this film. 

Most thriller films are aimed at males as they tend to enjoy them more, however our films main character is Iona- a female who could have a relatable story line to other females. So therefore our film will be aimed at both genders however we expect mostly males to watch it.

Our target age of the audience will be 15-24 because this is the highest rating on most thriller films on the Pearl and Dean website. Also, anyone younger than that wouldn't understand the plot line or be too scared to watch it. 

We expect most of our audience to be in class C1 as this is the most common and is also working class. The characters in our film are also of working class and therefore more relatable to that target audience.


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