Monday 24 February 2014

Interrogation Scene

This is an interrogation scene from a Palestinian film that came out very recently. 

This scene is set in a police station like ours will be in Haywards Heath Police Station.

I like how the lighting is used in this clip because the background is dark to make is seem more intimidating and the characters stand out more. Even though we can't understand what they're saying we can tell from their facial expressions what they are feeling.

I want to use the shot reverse shot technique that is used in this scene to make it seem more dramatic. The close ups of the guy lets us see that he feels tense, but he is trying to hide the look and seem innocent. He looks calm in the scene which Graham Harvey will also look in our film opening as he doesn't have anything to hide and admits everything. 
I also like the idea of having silence surrounding the characters rather than non-diegetic music being played for the audience as it makes if seem more tense and realistic.  


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