Sunday 19 January 2014

Our examples of match on action

 first match on action
We used match on action here where Becky is looking into the darkened room where she saw the figure and it is shown from the person in the rooms point of view hence why the camera is a bit shaky to show their perspective of the scene. This shows consistency in the film and allows flow.
first match on action

Then Becky is shown from the hallway looking into the room in the same position matching the action from the last shot of what she was doing. This also suggests consistency within the film allowing it to flow and become realistic.

second match on action
                                                                                                                                                                         Here we used match on action to show Becky reaching out for the door handle at a medium shot. We then took another shot of Becky's hand  grabbing the handle in a close up but we made it look like it was one swift movement instead of two shots by making sure her hand was in the same
position as well as the same bracelet on her wrist. This flowing action shows the movement and flow of the character opening and passing through the door which allows for a more intimate view of her opening the door and edits complement this action.
second match on action


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