Friday 17 January 2014

Final short film

This is our final short film for the preliminary task. We included the 180 degree rule, match on action and shot reverse shot and editing it together to make it. We then used sound effects from garageband to bring it all together and make it seem more dramatic.


1 comment:

  1. Well done guys for getting this done in time, and posting it successfully! There are some really strong moments here - the initial hand on the window, and cutting in and out of the room - really very good! Some very good framing too - the opening and the shot of the 2 of you on the pcs. Excellent camera from inside the room in the darkness. You've attempted match on actions - the first is a bit rough, and you should comment on this on the blog itself - but there are 2 more that are smoother, so well done. Good eyeline match at the end, and great use of sound. Well done!!
