Wednesday 26 March 2014

Anamatic with Voiceover

This is our anamatic voiceover that is what our opening film will look like once it is completed

Anamatic Voiceover Scrpit


We didn't upload our anamatic to begin with because of our location difficulties we needed to keep changing the drawings to match what our opening would consist off.
Even though we are still having technical difficulties with our lighting and behind on our editing because of this, our anamatic now matches what our thriller film will look like and can therefore be uploaded.

A couple of shots from the anamatic have been altered while we were filming because we felt these decisions were appropriate when we arrived at our location to make it as best as we possibly could.


Editing sound

I'm in the media suite looking at different sound effects on garage band that need to be incorporated into our thriller opening to make it feel more dramatic.
We've decided we need the sound effects of:

  •  footsteps from our interviewer
  • Scream from Iona as she is dragged away
  • More dramatic sound of the door closing in the beginning scene
  • We have thought about using contrapuntal music in the final scenes where the flashback shows Graham Harvey dragging Iona to create a different effect. 


Monday 24 March 2014

Deadline Troubles

The footage that we shot a week and a half back didn't come out on the camera as we had hoped, and so I have used the time since trying to change the saturation and colours so that they are a lot clearer.

However, although it worked well on some shots, others were just too dark to change and improve, so as a result we are going to have to re-film the last scene of our Thriller.

We understand that this means we will not have met our deadline, and so we will lose marks on our time management. However, we would rather this be the case than stick to the shots that aren't going to work for us and miss out on the grade that we know we are capable of getting.


Thursday 13 March 2014

Blogging and editing evidence


Animatic editing evidence

We are almost there with the animatic, we seem to have misplaced a few shots so once they have been relocated we can continue with editing and completion.


Monday 10 March 2014

Filming Monday 10th March

Filming evidence

Today, we went up to Haywards Heath police station around 12:15 pm and were allocated to our interview room. However, too our disappointment, it wasn't as large as we were expecting. Having 5 of us in the room at one time made it very cramped and it wasn't possible to film long shots like we had anticipated in this room. Even though we were given the great opportunity of filming in there to make our film seem more realistic; we filmed a couple of shots and re-evaluated our ideas for an interview room. 
Eye Through the Camera

We came up with using the Pods at college. This was much more effective because it was a large space which is what we needed and also the lighting in there made the scene that bit more dramatic with spotlight lighting filling the room. 

Police Interview Scene

As you can see from these two short clips, the lighting in the pod really worked to our advantage by making the characters stand out against the black background. We filmed each shot a couple of times so that when it comes to editing we have a couple of takes to choose from. These two clips are rough copies of the scenes without the laughing or faces.


Filming Sunday 9th march

Filming evidence

On Sunday the 9th of March at around 6 pm we all ventured up to Goffs Park in crawley to film the flashbacks of our film. It took us about half an hour to film the 5 shots of Graham Harvey killing his victim, Iona. 

We struggled with lighting at this time because we didn't expect it to get dark so quickly and without any lighting equipment we had to power through using the torches on our phones to give a shadow around their figures for the camera to pick them up in the dark. However, we will use editing equipment on the Macs to make the shots seem a bit lighter or we will have to re shoot some shots in the next couple of days.  

 This is one of the takes of our strangling scene for our movie. This scene was recorded quite clearly and is easy to see by the audience however it has an eerie darkness too it as well to create tension and make it seem much more realistic at night in a wooded area. This scene will be much faster as its about a 1 second flashback in between the police interview and will then seem like it flows much better.   

This is a rough shot of Graham Harvey trying to take his victim, however he tripped over and his daughter managed to escape from him. We made this seem much more dramatic in the real recording by having her crawl away from her father and him reaching back and grabbing her again. This scene is much harder to see because of the lighting situation and may need to be edited or filmed again if necessary. 

Unfortunately due to the lighting being to dark to pick up on camera, we will need to reshoot these flash back scenes in order to create a well presented product.

Megan & Becky

Police Interview Film Script and Shot List

1) Long shot - Harvey sat side on to the camera. Back straight, hands in lad, feet facing forwards. Blank facial expression, giving nothing away.

2) Low angle medium close up of Harvey, facing the camera. Robinson seen walking into the shot from the left, circling Harvey.

3) Medium close up two shot. Robinson continues to walk around. CONTINUITY. Robinson's arms are crossed, right arm reaching up to his mouth biting at his thumb. 

4) Long two shot. Robinson stops opposite Harvey, looking him square in the face.

5) Low angle close up of Robinson. Removes his thumb from his mouth.

6) Over the shoulder shot of Harvey. Not looking Robinson in the eyes, staring 'through' him. 

7) Low angle close up of Robinson. Still looking at Harvey.

8) Low angle close up of Harvey. Eyes snap up to meet Robinson's. 'Cheshire smile' spreads across his face - revealing only ONE row of teeth.

8) Long two shot. Both frozen in their positions.

9) Medium shot of Robinson. Taking three, slow steps forward. Begins to lean forward on the chair.

10) Long two shot. Lean forwards onto the chair in front. "Mr Harvey..." PAUSE FOR A RESPONSE. EXHALE AND HANG HEAD.

11) Medium shot. "Why don't you tell me..."

12) Close up of Harvey, side on. "Don't you mean, us?"

13) Medium shot of Harvey, side on. Harvey turns his body towards the door.

14) Medium long shot of an Officer standing outside the room. Guarding the door, standing with legs apart and arms crossed.

15) Medium shot of Harvey, side on. Lets out a small puff of air through his nose, grins. Turns back round to face Robinson.

16) Close up of Harvey. Looking straight into Robinson's eyes.

17) Extreme close up. ECU on Harveys mouth, side on. "Go on."

18) Medium shot, slightly low angled of Robinson. Straightening up, almost moving back slightly away from Harvey. Clears throat, and loosens tie. "Why don't you tell... Describe in your own words what happened that night.


Friday 7 March 2014

YES! We Have The Police Interview Room!

we have had a reply from the police station, we can now film the interview scenes in their interview room! we are planning to film in the interview room on the monday as suggested.

Primary School Update

Unfortunatly we have had no reply from the school, an we do not have the time to waste looking for another primary school. we have chosen to cut the school scenes completely so we can get on with our filming.

Thursday 6 March 2014

List of roles

Graham Harvey- Played by George
Graham Harvey is in his mid thirties who will be played by our actor George. Graham is being interviewed for the murder of his daughter, Iona. He is the antagonist of our movie, also referred to as the villain. This doesn't mean he is labelled as a 'bad person' as it's his mental disorder and not taking his medication that leads to this however he is the one causing the problems for the protagonist (Iona.) Graham is the character who drives the narrative forward through the choices he makes and the actions he takes.

Mr Robinson- Played by James
Mr Robinson is in his mid to late twenties played by our actor James. Mr Robinson is the interrogator in the interview room trying to get the information our of Graham Harvey. His and Grahams conversation in the interview room is what brings the narrative together and links the flashbacks into the 2 minute opening. Without Mr Robinson the shoots wouldn't come together as smoothly therefore Mr Robinson is a vital character in our plot.

Iona- Played by Iona
Iona is an 11 year old girl played by Iona. (The character is also her real name, as well as the film being named after her as she is the main character) Iona is Graham Harvey's daughter but is kidnapped by her and killed which is what the plot is all based around. We used Iona to play an 11 year old (which is her age) to create realism to the audience so they can sympathise with her and what she is going through. The way Iona will be portrayed will connote her as innocent through her actions and what she is wearing (school clothes) when being dragged through the woods to make her seem younger and much more fragile in this situation.


Location Update

We have decided to change our plot ever so slightly.

We will still keep the interrogation scene, but instead of then cutting to the murder itself, we are going to put small snippets as quick cut flashbacks throughout the interrogation.

We have also found a suitable location for this; there is a large forest near my house leading up to a an old victorian building now a museum. Now we have changed our plot slightly, we will not need to film anything inside, and as the park and museum are both public will not need permission to film outside.


Film Plot Update

(Long shot of Mr Harvey sat side on to the camera)There he sat, back straight and hands folded into his lap, a figure of grey and black drowned in a room full of white. His face showed no signs of panic, worry or remorse, he remained a blank canvas, and kept his gaze firmly on wall opposite. (Low angle medium close up of Mr Harvey, side on to the camera, Robinson seen walking in to the shot and walking out, clockwise) QUICK FLASHBACK TO MR HARVEYS FACE AT THE TIME OF THE EVENT (SAME SHOT TYPE) (0.5 SECONDS) Slowly and calmly, Detective Robinson circled him, keeping his eyes fixed on Mr Harvey at all times. (Medium close up pan following Robinson as he moves)His arms were crossed with his right arm reaching up to his mouth where he gnawed at the dead skin on the side of his thumb.

(Long shot of the two) After three complete circles around the suspect, Robinson stopped directly in front of Mr Harvey, looked him square in the face and (Low angle close up to Robinson) removed his thumb from his mouth. (Over the shoulder shot of Mr Harvey) The suspects eyes maintained their lack of emotion, and although their view of the wall opposite was now blocked by the tall, broad body of the detective, FLASHBACK TO HARVEY STANDING IN FRONT OF IONA (Back to low angle close up on Robinson) they did not move, and continued to look straight through Robinson like he wasn't even there. (Back to over the shoulder shot of Harvey) But after a moments more silence, they snapped up to meet the eyes of the opposition, (Low angle close up of Harvey) before a cheshire grin slowly crept its way across Mr Harvey's face, until he was beaming from ear to ear, showing only his top row of teeth. VERY QUICK FLASHBACK TO HARVEY DRAGGING IONA THROUGH A FOREST (0.5 SECONDS) BACK TO SHOT OF HARVEY

(Long shot)Feeling increasingly uncomfortable and uneasy, (Cut to medium shot) Robinson took three steps forward in an attempt to maintain control of the situation, (Cut back to long shot) and leant forward placing both hands on the chair that sat opposite Mr Harvey, QUICK FLASHBACK OF HARVEY PLACING BOTH HANDS AROUND IONAS NECK (Over the shoulder shot of Harvey) who's smile didn't alter, only his gaze which followed the eyes of the detective as they edged closer.

(Close up of Robinson's face) Inhaling and exhaling deeply before hand, Detective Robinson finally spoke.

"Mr Harvey," he paused for a response but got nothing. "Why don't you tell me..."

(Cut to close up of Robinson face on, slightly high angled for eye line match, of Mr Harvey) "Don't you mean, us?" the suspect interrupted, (Cut to medium shot of Harvey side on) shifting his gaze from the detective that sat opposite to the mirror on the wall to the right of him and raising one eyebrow. (View from the other side of the window) He stared right through, right through to the other investigators that stood on the other side, watching his every move. (Cut back to medium shot side on) He let out a short puff of air through his nose, a small gesture of laughter intended to make a mockery of those who thought they had him all figured out.

(Close up of Harvey) He averted his gaze back to Robinson who's eyes had widened in almost panic.

(Extreme close up of his mouth) "Go on," Harvey encouraged.

(Medium shot, low angled for eye line match) Straightening up and almost leaning back away from the suspect, Robinson cleared his throat, loosened his tie and carried on.

(Over the shoulder shot of Harvey waiting for Robinson to speak)

(Long shot of two) "Why don't you tell... Describe in your own words, what happened that night."





Location Problem extension

After having no luck with filming at Linden House or Marlet Lodge, Becky and I were able to find another location that we hoped would fit our thriller opening and also not be as dangerous to film in.

The location was extremely difficult to locate, and with confusing directions given to us from a friend took us well over an hour when it should have only taken around twenty minutes. We did eventually locate the premises, although it wasn't exactly what we were expecting.

The premises was a mushroom factory no longer in use, and with many empty rooms inside then would have made a really good location for the scenes involving Mr Harvey and the police raid. We were aware that a fence would have to be climbed in order to gain entry to the factory, but when we actually saw it we realised that although it would be easy enough for us and our actors to climb during the day, the shots we needed would need to be filmed at dusk and so the jump down the other side of the fence would have been extremely dangerous if we couldn't see all the way down.

After having no luck at the now three locations we were hoping to use, Becky, Megan and I may have to rethink certain aspects of our story. We had originally planned to be quite ambitious and chose quite a complex story line, but with the deadline quickly approaching we might have to change our idea completely.

We were however. given permission by Haywards Heath Police Station to borrow some of their posters in order to make our interrogation scene of Mr Harvey more authentic, meaning that we can keep some aspects of our story line the same.


Tuesday 4 March 2014

Location problems

We are having problems in sorting out a suitable location at the moment for our thriller opening. We ruled Martlet Lodge out as a location as it has too many risks and if anything happened to us it would come under the colleges fault. It is also risky bringing all our actors in there and defiantly an 11 year old.

However, we have a possible new location on Church Lane in Horley where there is a abandoned house that has easy access for us and is safe.

Because of having no exact location yet we haven't been able to complete our anamatics however due to it not being our fault about the locations we have a week extension for filming to make the thriller opening as best as we can.

Beth and Becky are going to check out the location today to see if it is what we are looking for as a location that will be the best setting for our film.
