Thursday 3 April 2014

Film opening titles

The Dark Knight Rises

  • The opening title sequence for ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ establishes an eerie and mysterious atmosphere. This is due to the pace of the non-diegetic soundtrack being played. Also, the colours in the opening only consist of black, white and grey, this again reinforces the intended atmosphere. They use flashes of red colouring to attract the audiences attention to this part of the screen. 
  • During this sequence we are introduced to some of the characters within the film indirectly, as we only see pictures of them due to the opening being as if it is a comic book sequence. We see the characters through the comic book before altering to seeing them properly in the film before fades and wipes are used to direct the comic book strip back onto the screen. 
  • The titles are included within the image and alter positions simultaneously with the camera movement.
  •  We are only able to guess what will happen in the film as we are not shown any of the plot during the title sequence opening. 
  • I like the way the title sequence is portrayed as if it is coming towards you and it makes the audience feel more involved and I also like how the action starts straight away rather than having a slow opening. 

Pulp Fiction

  • The opening titles sequence for ‘Pulp Fiction’ begins dramatically and surprisingly. As we meet some of the characters of the film and they instantly threaten with guns, establishing the genres of the film.
  •  The soundtrack used is fast paced and reveals the sub genre of action and crime.
  •  The titles are placed in the center of the screen in a bold white font, contrasting with the black background. I like the way how the title 'pulp fiction' fades into the background as the titles are then overlapped on top of it because it keeps the title in mind and more remembered. 
  •  As the plot is not revealed the audience want to continue watching as the opening has caught their full attention.
  • This title sequence is simple but effective because the background music makes it catchy and interesting
  • Also I like the way of changing the music towards the end of the title sequence to make it sound like a radio track is being changed rather than the opening just cutting straight from one song to another.  


  • The opening sequence for the film ‘Se7en’ does not directly reveal any of the characters within the film.
  • The soundtrack highly impacts the atmosphere created by it. It consists of an eerie continuous sound with occasional screeches, as the sequence progresses the music becomes louder and the tension builds.
  • The titles move erratically creating a jumpy feel for the audience.
  • The titles are white on a black background emphasizing the titles. The font of the titles are sharp and handwritten-like.
  • The plot is not revealed to us and leaves the audience wanting to find out what will happen as we are given clues through the opening sequence.
  • I like the way that each shot on the screen fades into each other so it's hard to make sense of any of the writing in the opening to base what the story line involves. 

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